Friday, August 8, 2014

Ran across this article ... hmmm

Sunday, July 27, 2014

Since the beginning of the world as we know it, God's word has been ceaselessly challenged, yet, He has managed to preserve it without the removal or misplacement of so much as a jot or tittle. Though modern day attempts to pervert God's word are. as Solomon said "nothing new under the sun,"   one must be able to identify the authentic in order to recognize the counterfeit.

We see in the garden, at the dawn of time, the serpent beguiles Eve with these simple words: "Did God not say?" In nearly six thousand years, Satan has not tired of devising his evil schemes to pervert God's word.
Today, he has managed to infiltrate publishing houses, higher learning institutions and seminaries with his subtle slight of hand that might have otherwise gone unnoticed were it not for the 'modern translations' recurring absence  of key words and themes i.e.the complete omission of any reference to  'Lucifer', 'hell', 'the blood', 'redemption'...

Though these omissions merely represent  the tip of the iceberg where the conspiracy on this subject is concerned, no doubt one need merely take a look around to see the devastating affects an impotent word has on the body.

The church today, particularly the western church, hardly resembles the body of Christ at all. In fact, we find it quite possibly bares an uncanny likeness to the Laodicean church mentioned in the book of Revelation.   Much of the blame lies in the  'modern versions'.

Modern versions omit and change over 5000 words of the canon; not merely 'updating' them to be more easily understood  (far from it) instead, strategically transforming the meanings, the themes and the pristinely chosen text into a subtly different 'new message.'

For the most part, the 'new versions' have morphed into innocuous feel good books. Pandering to man's desire for peace on Earth as well as selfish gain, the God of these versions is ominous in the old testament and a passive universalist in the new. The caveats are gone. Punishment for sin is eradicated from the text and there no longer remains a common 'enemy.'   Mankind is it's only foe.   The lines between good and evil, heaven and hell, God and Satan are blurred in the modern, self proclaimed 'versions.'

Without the presence of any clear and present danger, we lower our defenses, neglect to lock our doors or learn the art of war. enemy of your soul, a price to pay for sin, an ongoing admonition to take moral inventory or keep up with the maintenance of our souls, the differentiation between God the almighty being synonymous with  His ultimate rights and authority vs the puny and evil spiritual being who is set on the destruction of God's creation is blurred.

How this occurred is what you will learn on this sight.

Be encouraged. Be enlightened. Be free from the deceptive offerings of the enemy.

God is a father, not a Santa or a magic genie. He requires we present our bodies a living sacrifice.  Because he loves us,  in the purest and most invested way- (with a father's love) he is apt to  chastise us when we err as to bring us back to Him so we do not spend eternity away from him.  He created us, so he knows what is our intended bio, physio, emotional and spiritual highest.  He became flesh to 'overcome' it, so that we can know he understands our weakness and yet, requires abstinence and obedience.

Did God not say? is a site, dedicated to exposing modern day believers to the unadulterated word of God that scribes published by hand, not making a single mistake or change down to the smallest jot and tittle under penalty of death, should he err. Father's in the faith, throughout the ages,  gave their lives to pass  down to us, the word of God,  unscathed. Men of old; keepers of the word, assigned from birth, guarded it with their lives.

Modern archaeologists have uncovered more than 5000 identical manuscripts over the years from various and diverse locations. None bearing a single discrepancy or error, each matching the others, identically. The collection is referred to as the Textus Receptus. It is from these manuscripts we received our 'Authorized Version'... The King James Version (KJV.)

Notwithstanding, none of the  'modern versions' on the market today were translated from Textus Receptus.  They were instead translated from two unrelated manuscripts that were  rejected as canon. Replete with scratched out words, scribbles and errors, they do not even match each other! Their discrepancies are neither minor nor harmless. One was retrieved from a monastery trash heap.  It was never meant to be seen.

Anyone assigned the occupation or call of a scribe would have suffered severely for forging such documents. The two manuscripts are counterfeit and were never intended to be preserved as cannon. One was actually retrieved from a  trash barrel at a monastery  and yet the modern day versions have chosen to translate from these versus the vetted cannon.

The changes in text are not merely subtle changes in language style or syntax. These so called 'versions' have  robbed and maimed the original context. Themes and words are omitted and/or replaced with entirely different words with completely different meanings. Some of the most alarming replacements and omissions are 1) Satan.. changed to 'morning star.'  2) the Blood ... omitted entirely.  3)  Hell...omitted and replaced with lesser words......  

In order to 'know' God, we must know His word, not the counterfeit.  The logos word of God, the written or spoken word of God  is a major component of God, the Godhead, of Himself.~ John 1  "In the beginning was the word and the word was God and the word was with God.. and the word dwelt among us"  The Bible  tells us, it is alive, He is alive in it.  For the word of God is alive and sharper than any two edged sword... Real life is in the authentic word of God.

 "Jesus Christ, the same, yesterday, today and forever." He never changes; neither does his word.

  Join and discuss, learn and grow in Jesus name.